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She said that It's a very pretty lightweight dress that She plans to wear at a summer wedding. She is 5'3" and 135 c.m. tall length fits her perfectly as a full length dress while wearing flats. The inner lining goes down to the calves so you will need to wear a long slip if you want it fully lined. She is 7 months pregnant and this dress is so comfortable and loose. She is really happy that the design of this dress fits her then and will after pregnancy too. You can wear it with or without the belt provided (it's just a matching strip of material). She don't like to buy clothes specific for maternity because they end up being useless later but this will last a long time. She loves it so much that She had purchased the same dress in the 'summer floral' print.
Fatima -- Amazon reviewer
She said that This dress is beautiful fabric, very flowy and soft. Color is a bit more muted than pictures, but still pretty. The neckline is high and falls from there free flowing. The arm holes are tight on her. She is a size 18. She think. She can make some tailoring changes at the arm hole under the arm to make it more comfortable for me. She would not recommend for someone with heavy arms or large chest/upper body area or a thick neck.
Dee W -- Amazon reviewer
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